Our team approach assures your involvement in every dental decision, from determining your needs, to establishing a dental care plan. We trust you will find the atmosphere calming, the staff friendly, and our dental services exceptional.
We offer advanced dentistry in a relaxed, caring atmosphere. Our philosophy is to treat every patient like our own family. That’s why we treat you with gentle friendly care and offer you prompt appointments that respect your time. Whatever we can do to make your visit more comfortable and to give you a healthier more attractive smile, we’ll strive to make that happen.
Located between the I-5, I-405, and 55 freeways.
We offer Wells Fargo, Care Credit, Lending Club, and Scratch Pay.
We speak Spanish, Hindi, and Punjabi.
Our team is trained to give you the very best services every time. We're really friendly, too.
Our team has over 40 years of experience.
We accept most insurances.