BLAST Protocol in Irvine, CA

BLAST protocol for Dental Implants

Dental implants require the same care as your natural teeth. It is a common misconception that dental implants aren't 'real' and therefore don't need to be brushed or flossed. Although dental implants cannot become infected, they can still accumulate bacteria which can cause disease.

The infection that spreads around the implant can eventually destroy the bone that holds it in place.

Your dental implant would have to be removed if it did not have a supporting bone. The BLAST protocol helps maintain implant health, by maintaining healthy gums and bones.

What is the BLAST Protocol?

The BLAST protocol has two phases.

  1. Activation phase: The BLAST protocol activates and decontaminates implant placement sites. This combination creates a perfect environment for the success of dental implants.
  2. BLAST Phase of Maintenance: After the dental implant has been placed, the BLAST phase of maintenance reduces harmful bacteria during your regular follow up appointments. This can cause infections around your implant.

Benefits of BLAST protocol

  • Reducing harmful bacteria in the mouth
  • Implants that integrate better into the bone
  • Reduce inflammation around dental implants
  • Fibrosis (induction of collagen formation)
  • Activation natural growth factors
Contact Us
  • Optimize Implant Success From the Beginning

    Over the past 20 years, millions of dental implants were placed around the world. The dental industry is constantly improving implant placement techniques based on what we learn. PerioLase MVP-7 is one of the techniques that we use at Guru Dentistry. It helps us to achieve better results in placing an implant.

    It's a little-known fact that dental implants age before they are implanted and lose certain properties that allow them to integrate with the bone. PerioLase is used as part of the BLAST Protocol to reactivate titanium before placing the dental implants. This process is called photofunctionalization, and it helps encourage materials to stick to the titanium. This allows the implant to be as close to the bone as possible for what we refer to as osseointegration.

  • Reduce harmful bacteria around your dental implants

    The laser is used to decontaminate bone and gums prior to placing the implant. It helps with the healing process, as we are removing the harmful bacteria from our mouths. This laser has been proven to kill harmful bacteria without harming the good bacteria that we need.

    • This process is used for both individual implants as well as laser-assisted placement of full arch implants.
    • We give the implant the best chance of success by restoring titanium to an active state and ensuring that the implant site is as clean as possible.

  • Keeping Your Dental Implant Healthy

    We use the PerioLase MVP-7 laser to provide advanced dental care at Guru Dentistry.

    PerioLase is proven to kill the bacteria responsible for periodontal diseases. Recent studies show that the PerioLase can kill 100 percent of bacteria on titanium implant surfaces.

    We use the BLAST protocol as part of our routine follow-up visits to the implant. This allows us to regularly decontaminate the bone and tissue around the implant. We can control the harmful bacteria in your mouth and prevent them from spreading to the tissue surrounding the implant. We can protect your investment by proactively maintaining the gum health surrounding the implant.

BLAST Advantages

  • Dispose of harmful bacteria. Microflora present in the mouth prior to the placement of a dental implant can influence the growth and development on or around the dental implant. After extractions, bacteria can be found in the healed bone and reinfect the area surrounding the implant. We can reduce harmful bacteria prior to implant placement and help prevent immediate infections.
  • Low laser energy provides a unique patient experience. It is relaxing and soothing.
  • Use antibacterial rinses sparingly to avoid disrupting the healing process.
  • The Nd:YAG Laser energy stimulates the body's production of growth factors, which promote healing.
  • Laser therapy has been proven to be more efficient at reducing periodontal bacteria.
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